Greek Yogurt (instant pot)



  • 1/2 cup active yogurt culture (I use Siggis)
  • 1 gallon whole milk (I use a creamline wholemilk)


  1. Add milk to Instant Pot and put in yogurt setting to boil. 
  2. Heat the milk till bubbles begin to form (180°F with thermometer).
  3. Cool milk to 110°F. (You can speed the cooling by placing the pot of milk in a larger pot of cold water. I also sometimes heat 1/2 the milk and use the other half to cool it down- not recommended for a thick yogurt as it makes a thinner yogurt and more whey if you strain it.)
  4. Mix about 1/2 cup active yogurt into cool milk.
  5. Turn Instant Pot to yogurt setting for 10-12 hrs.
  6. Set up a strainer with cheese cloth over a pot or bowl (to catch the whey). 
  7. Pour the yogurt into the cloth to strain for 8-10 hours or until desired thickness. Refrigerate.
  8. Reserve the whey in jars to use in other recipes 


Wayles said…
I made this again today -and did 7.5 hours in the InstaPot - and let it sit for another 5 hours. Then, strained for 2. Maybe I could have strained longer- but I found that this 1) makes a thicker yogurt because there is a sweet spot with heating time--- there is a tipping point where the more you heat the more the protein starts to breakdown (and become thinner) and 2) I think I like the slightly thinner yogurt (as I was adding the whey back in). This also completely filled my yogurt container (made cups more) and only had 1.5 jars of whey (instead of 3-4).

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