My mom's Xmas dinner

Joy of cooking, for the sweet potatoes.. and who knows what else. All recipes she probably just pulled out of her head since she makes them all the time. The turkey was stuffed with lemons and herbs, like rosemary, and covered in olive oil.
Instead of a big family Christmas dinner, there were just five of this year. My mom roasted a turkey (*the moooost moist and delicious turkey ever), made mashed potatoes, a nice flavorful gravy, my favorite green beans, and sweet potato casserole with some spiced pecans I brought. I enjoyed a delightful Chocolate Bock beer too.
It was a nice change of pace for the big feast and gathering. We did get together with the family on Christmas Eve, and that was nice too. My grandmother enjoyed a few servings of "punch," that my cousin made, consisting of rainbow sherbet, ginger ale, fruit punch (and fruit punch ice ring), and sparkling water. She liked it so much, she tried eating every drop with her fork.
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