German night sausages and cabbages

But the night started with a problem... a craving for Wonton soup. Again.
After browsing on, I found a great recipe for Cabbage and Dumplings... sounded promising.
Cabbage and Dumplings
***1/2 to 1 T apple cider vinegar
- ***I tasted the dish and thought it could use some vinegar to round it out. It was the right trick!
Nutritional Information 
Amount Per Serving Calories: 402 | Total Fat: 23.6g | Cholesterol: 61mg
Defrosted the sausages quickly (hot Italians) quickly in warm water. I poached them in beer as I have done before. I don't want to repeat it, because, as the blog explains, it's a repeat!
Beer poached sausages:
All together it was a great meal. JW really enjoyed it. But he likes things like cabbage, sausages, and beer...
Leftover pumpkin pie for dessert! yum. JW doesn't want whip cream, he wants ice cream!